
ever heard of being polite?

I was just thinking that I didn't want this blog to be political but this is just being polite. When I got up this morning, all the news was about Pres. Obama bowing to the Japanese Emperor. So??? What's the big deal?

I'm not pro-Obama (or anti-Obama for that matter, I do think he's been given more credit than he has earned, FYI) so this is not meant as an endorsment. I just mean "Crap, he's in Japan for cryin out loud!!!" What's he suppose to do, give him the finger, turn his nose up at him. You go to somebodies house and you be polite. Don't matter if you like them or not you be polite. I will add, there is a point where you stop being polite but this aint it. He should expect the same, hell, everyone should, you treat people as you expect to be treated. It's not like he was bowing to worship the dude. You don't have to agree or believe some one is right to be polite, you'll get a lot more if you act reasonable.

Here's an example of when it's time to stop being polite: When George W. got the shoe thrown at him in Iraq, he should have gotten a shoe thrown at him if for no other reason than picking Dick Cheney as his Vice President, just my opinion.

All them "news" people need to go find some news to report, see if Brittney Spears is wearing panties today, how about that. And everybody watching the news needs to find something better to do or change to channel to "Deal or No Deal" or "Andy Griffith", you could learn something from Andy and Barney.

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