
woman sues google

I was just thinking, this woman is sueing Google because the directions she got from Google Maps told her to walk out into a busy street.

the actual story

She's also sueing the driver of the car that hit her. What if the driver was also using Google Maps? That would mean Google sent them on a crash course. Google knew it would happen. If that's the case, then this woman should get about a billion dollars, don't you think? That's would be some kind of paradox, wouldn't it.

If that doesn't work, I got an idea for her. She should sue her parents. I mean, if she's that stupid, they should have left her in the woods some were or drowned her in the sink.

Anyhow, I'm headed out to buy some lottery tickets. I think I'll Google "where to buy winning lottery tickets" and if I don't win, I should have a good case to sue Google. So I win either way.

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