
bottled water

I was just thinking; I wonder who the first dude that said "I bet I can put water in a bottle and sell it" was? I would'a told him he was stupid. I think we spend over $22 billion dollars a year on bottled water.

I looked up a few facts about bottled water: The federal regulations that govern bottled water require it to be only as good as tap water, not better. Only as good as tap water? You'd think it would have to be special or something.
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) released a report called "Bottled Water, Pure Drink or Pure Hype?" NRDC's report points out that as much as 40% of all bottled water comes from a city water system, just like tap water. 40% from city water systems. Just because it says "spring water" on the label don't mean it came from a spring.

How about these folks that drink their bottled water then recycle the bottles. Do they do that just to make themselves feel better. I think if you're that worried about the enviroment, you should quit buying bottled water. It takes 3 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of bottled water, them 3 gallons were probably as good as what they put in the bottle. It takes 17 million barrels of oil to produce and transport all that bottled water (produced in a year) and it takes 1850 gallons of water to refine a barrel of oil. Crap, that's 31.5 trillion gallons of water. I don't know for sure but that sounds like a lot of water.

Don't get me wrong, there are a couple of bottles of water in my refrigerator. There're convenient to carry around and they usually get refilled with tap water until the bottle gets cruddy looking, then I throw it in the trash. I'm to tight to buy it all the time, over 90% of the cost of bottled water is in the bottle, lid and label.

I also read somewhere that the plastic that the water is bottled in gives off something (I don't care what it is) that may cause cancer. Yea, right and using a cell phone will give me brain cancer and crossing the street might get me run over by a truck.

And to think, I used to drink outta the water hose in the back yard.

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