
something else to worry about

I was just thinking that two blogs in one day maybe too many but this is important and I got to work a lot this week so I may not have a chance to get around to it later so here goes.

We've banned all types of pestisides, outlawed all kinds of drugs, done away with lead paint and all kinds of other stuff to make our world a better place but today I came across a chemical that seems to have slipped through the cracks. Dihydrogen monoxide, how could we have missed it with all the problems it causes? I mean just look at some of the effects:
1. it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting
2. it is a major component in acid rain
3. it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state
4. accidental inhalation can kill you
5. it contributes to erosion
6. it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
7. it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients
What the hell are we doing? We should get together and solve some of these real problems. I'm not a big activist or anything so I could use some help, please leave some comments on how we should get started or what you think should be done, thanks, Bob

1 comment:

Bob Russell said...

it's water stupid, chill the hell out and get over it. if you didn't know what it was there will be a blog about you later.