

I was just thinking as I was standing in line at Wal-Mart, looking at the cover of a Cosmopolitan magazine, "I wonder what they mean by 'HIS #1 SEX WISH'?" I couldn't bring myself to actually pick up the magazine and look, I wouldn't want to be the dumb ass standing there reading a magazine and holding up the line. What would the teenage girl behind the register think if she saw me reading a Cosmo mag? (and why do I care what she thinks?) I just couldn't make myself look and see what my #1 wish was. 71% of guys crave it, must be good, I should'a looked.

Out in the parking lot, as I was loading groceries in the truck, it hit me. They're really misinforming women if they're telling them that there is one certain thing men crave. I hate to tell you girls but if you say you're going to do the laundry without a bra, we're thinking "Jackpot, must be my lucky day." We don't care, we just like sex, no if's, and's or but's. Our #1 sex wish is whatever it takes to make you want to have sex more. Any guy that tells you anything different is just trying to tell you something to get you to have sex more. It's worth repeating, our #1 sex wish is more sex. The magazine should quit playing games and just say "Tell your husband/boyfriend what he should do to have more sex." Everybody would be happier, you'd get what you want and we'd get more sex. Hell, the world would be a better place.

71% of men crave it, tell me something I don't know. The other 29% can't remember were they left their Viagra. Gimme a break. Another tag line on the cover is "Colors that make a man's heart race", is naked a color?

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