

I was just thinking about a baked potato, yea, I just ate one so why can't I be thinking about one. Potatoes are cheap, you can get one about the size of a football for a quarter or something like that, they're cheap anyhow. Five or ten minutes in the microwave, then wrap it in tin foil and put it in the oven until whatever your eating with it gets done, it's ready to eat. A little salt, pepper, butter and sour cream (all kinds of other crap is good but not necessary) and you can't beat it, right?
You ever eat a baked potato a Red Lobster? 
What the hell do they do to their taters? I've eaten at the Lobster a lot and I know it's not real seafood. Same as Taco Bell is not real mexican food. It's good but not real seafood. It aint cheap so looks like to me at least they'd learn how to bake a potato. This piece of crap looks/tastes like it was baked a week ago, left in the sun to dry out, then warmed up and put on my plate. How hard is it to bake a potato? Then look at the size of it! I poop bigger than that. Taters are cheap, seafood is expensive, who don't know that? If I ran a Red Lobster, I'd put a big ass baked potato on your plate, then pile up a bunch of shrimp and you'd think you got a butt-load of food. Actually you would, just most of it would be a cheap potato, that'd make the seafood go further. Before I did that, I hire the dude at Wendy's that bakes the potatoes for them to be the head chef!

That and I'd serve Busch Light at the bar......

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