
dr. spock

I was just thinking that if I did another blog on Dr. Oz, everyone would think I watch the damn show. Well, I don't, my wife just happened to be watching it, you can believe it or not. Anyhow, I should watch it 'cause you can get all sorts of crap to blog about from it. If you've seen the show (if not, take a peek sometime while you're flipping through the channels), have you ever taken a good look at Dr. Oz? Take a real good look, the eye brows, the ears, the hair; I swear, I think he's Vulcan. I did some research, here's what I came up with, see for your self:

See what I mean? Put Oz in the closet for about 3 months and the complextion would be the same. Dr. Oz has emotions, Vulcans have emotions, they just supress them. Another thing, Dr Oz works for Oprah, Spock works for the Federation. They're the same aren't they? Dr. Oz's first name is Mehmet, that's alien aint it?
Dr. Oz wrote a book called "YOU: Staying Young: The Owner's Manual for Extending Your Warranty", that sounds like something Spock would write, don't it?

                                                       Maybe I'm wrong but I think he's Vulcan.

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